Welcome to my blog, I post random stuffs on this. Before you start reading I prefer you to read "About Me" first, so you can understand more about the things I post on this! WISH YOU LIKE IT!

Monday, September 24, 2012

♥ Kanon Wakeshima ♥

Kanon Wakeshima is my idol...if it wasn't her I probably will never know Visual Kei!! So...here's why: I'm reading Vampire Knight (the manga), I fell in love with it so I look at alot stuffs online about it, then I saw a theme Vampire Knight song, I listen to it and immediately fell in love with it. That song is "Still Doll", then I start to listen to her songs THEN!!! I saw a video at the side, I think it looks really cool so I click on it, and BOOM! I fell in love with Jrock, that video is the GazettE's "The Invisible Wall"! Yay~~She's also the reason that I know Mana-sama ^__^ She play cello, she's really pro at it, if you want to know more about her, go wiki it!!! So...LETS ENJOY THE PICTURES!!!



Kanon Wakeshima - kanon-wakeshima Photo   





2012 Kanon Wakeshima:



Her new single is coming out at 11/7/2012
Name: To LOVEる-とらぶる-ダークネス 
Official Page for more Information: http://whv-amusic.com/wakeshimakanon/index.html
Her official blog: http://ameblo.jp/wakeshima/

Wish you like the post~ ♥
It took me alot time...maybe it seems like I took only 5 min to make this,
but no, I choose the best pictures and make it super organzie as possible,
so...please like it!!! ♥

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who has the same feeling?! :D

People should understand this when they see me wearing headphones/earphones!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Ticket!!!!!!


Monday, September 10, 2012

SuG ♥ NEW PV ♥ sweeToxic ♥

SuG's full version of sweeToxic and Fat Inside Horror is out!!  Make sure to buy their single on 9/19!! ^_^
 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥                    

 SuG - sweeToxic (FULL PV) ♥

SuG - Fat Inside Horror (FULL PV) ♥

Saturday, September 8, 2012

♥ Versailles Philharmonic Quintet ♥

Versailles Philharmonic Quintet is a super awesome jrock band!!! I love Hizaki ♥ (the lead guitarist), Teru ♥ (the rhythm guitarist), and Kamijo ♥ (the singer)!!! Versailles is a GUY BAND and they're NOT GAY!! >:( Hizaki is a super beautiful and awesome guy that will make you gay if you're a guy, and make you fell in love with him if you're a girl! Teru is a super adorable and awesome guy that will also make you gay if you're a guy, and make you fall in love with him if you're a girl! Kamijo is a super dreamy and awesome guy that stole every girl's heart! ♥ If you think they're gay...SHAME ON YOU!! If you think it's weird that Hizaki, Teru, and Jasmine (RIP) looks like a girl...then you have to be prettier to say that, they are the most beautiful, cute, awesome guys EVER!!! Enjoy the pictures~~♥♥♥

Versailles Philharmonic Quintet ♥

Kamijo (singer) ♥

Hizaki (lead guitarist)♥

Teru (rhythm guitarist) ♥

Masashi (bassist) ♥

Yuki (drummer) ♥

Jasmine You (RIP bassist) 

We will always love you Jasmine ♥

Versailles newest single, Rose (Release on 7/4/2012 )

Funny pictures!!!!!!




Please comment or tell me you like it!! ^_^

If you don't like it......I'll cry T^T
This post took me the longest, it took me about 4 days...
...but it's worth it!!! >.<